My husband is a cyclist.  I used to tried to keep up with him but he always  seemed  bored on our rides.  We are debating about investing in an electric bike so I can keep up.  In the meantime, here are a few exercises to help cyclists (myself included) improve their abilities on the bike. You will need an exercise band for this workout. Dumbbells and a spot to perform box jumps would be handy too.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (

Warm up- 1 min mountain climbers, 1 min plank, 1 min burpees
1 min- Squat jumps (plyometrics to help train muscles for speed and power on attacks and switchbacks)
1 min- Overhead press at an angle- Bend forward at the waist with slight bend in knee. Use an exercise band attached to something stable behind you. Bring hands from sides of shoulders above head so that they touch each other (in the same plane as head). Return to starting position (strengthens shoulders and back)
30 sec each side- Side plank (develop your core so you can ride ‘no hands’)
1 min- Bear walk
1 min- Supermans
1 min- Bicycle ab exercises- slow and controlled with deliberate twists
1 min- Calf raises (helps with pedal stroke)
1 min each leg- Pistol squats (one-legged squat with a greater range of motion. You can build up to this)
1 min- Deadlift with dumbbells, barbells, or even exercise band ( to build up your glutes and hamstrings)
1 min- Box jumps- if you don’t have a box, stable step, or bench, just do jump squats again
1 min- Shoulder shrugs- holding weights or using exercise band

If you have an exercise that has helped your cycling performance, leave a comment below and let me know.  Happy cycling!