As usual, remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (

Warm up- 20 star jumps, 20 squats, 20 alternating lunges, 10 star jumps, 10 squats, 10 alternating lunges, 5 star jumps, 5 squats, 6 alternating lunges
1 min- Squat with overhead press
1 min- Plank
1 min- Squat thrusts
1 min- Run in place with high knees. Keep them up!
1 min- Alternating side lunges with bicep curl
1 min- Leg lifts, holding at bottom a few cm off ground for 5 sec
1 min- Tricep dips
1 min- Seal walk by dragging feet across floor on an old rag
1 min- Supermans
1 min- Press ups
1 min- Star jumps
1 min- Alternating overhead press (one arm at a time)
1 min- Calf raises