Preparing for a desert ultra like Wadi Rum Ultra takes a lot of planning and organization.  Slowly you need to build up miles, gather the specific kit you will need, try out said kit, research camping food, try said camping food, and prepare your feet.  Then, in the last three weeks before the race, you need to add in sauna or Bikram yoga sessions, make sure your luggage doesn’t go over the weight limit, and finally go see a chiropodist/podiatrist for a “medical pedicure” one week out.  This bit of advice can from my friend, Becs, who has done countless ultras, including Marathon Des Sables.  I don’t usually get cosmetic pedicures unless I am going on a beach holiday.  Turns out “medical pedicures” are very different.

Using my Simplyhealth Active Plan, I found a place in London that meets the criteria for reimbursement under the chiropody/podiatry benefit of the Active Plan.  I went to Margaret Dabbs for a “medical pedicure” at cost of £85 for a 45 minute appointment.  I traveled from work to Marylebone on a sunny afternoon at the start of October and wasn’t sure what to expect. “Medical pedicures” are performed on dry feet by a podiatrist or chiropodist.  The purpose is to thoroughly exam the feet, addressing any issues (such as nail fungus, ingrown toenail nails, dry skin, bunions, calluses, etc), shape/file the nails, and remove dead skin.

Using the drill to buff off skin around my toe nails

When I arrived at the clinic, there were several women having manicures with nail polish on the ground floor of the clinic.  My podiatrist, Laura, brought me to the basement into a small private room. She began by disinfecting my feet while explaining what she was going to do as it was my first time.  She examined my feet very carefully, looking in between and under each toe. I am lucky as my foot condition was ‘mild’ according to Laura.  She said my feet don’t have a lot of fat on them (they are quite narrow) and I didn’t have too much dry skin built up.  She proceeded to cut, then file, my toe nails.  She also buffed the nails before she put oil on my cuticles and explained that cuticles should never be pushed back as they compromises the protection around your nail bed.  Cosmetic manicures and pedicures have got it all wrong. Who knew?

Laura took a ‘drill’ (which it kind of is) to file down the rough skin around the bed of each nail. She used a scalpel to carefully scrape off all the dead skin on my feet and heels.  Next, she used a big rough file to further smooth the skin on my feet.  The treatment ended with the application of lotion to leave my feet feeling super soft and smelling fresh.

Laura taking a close look at my tootsies

Although Laura was not a runner, she had seen many runners for the same reason I was there.  She told me that it was good that I came in at least a week before my race.  To keep my feet in prime condition, I was to continue to moisturize in the lead up to the race but not to file (if I wasn’t racing, I was supposed to file every day).  We discussed black toenails (touch wood I have never experienced this) and she said that if I get one, I am to leave it alone unless it becomes painful.  She assured me if a black toenail falls off, it will grow back, although perhaps a little differently.

Scraping dead skin off with scalpel

Because me feet were in good condition, Laura said I could come back quarterly for a “medical pedicure” or sooner if I had any problems.  She was easy to talk to and I am very happy with how soft and smooth my feet were.  It did seem like a bit of an indulgence so I am glad my Simplyhealth Active Plan will reimburse me for the cost.  I think if my feet had a lot of issues, it would be something I would want to do regularly.  Although it didn’t prevent me from loosing any toenails, I think I would definitely do it again if I signed up for another desert race.

The clinic emailed me the receipt the same day, which I will submit to Simplyhealth.  I did contact the clinic prior to booking to ensure their staff were registered with HCPC in order to meet the Simplyhealth criteria.  Hopefully I will have time this weekend to make my claim online.

Final result

Have you ever had a “medical pedicure”?  If so, why?  Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks to Simplyhealth for sponsoring my 4×4 Challenge and allowing me use of their Active Plan. All opinions are honest and my own.