What I am reading right now

What I am reading right now

Although I don’t have much time for reading these days, I do like to have a book with me on the tube or when I am on holiday.  Usually, I aim to read one book at a time because it is hard for me to focus, while my husband will be reading a few different books at a time.  Somehow, I have found myself with a little pile, so I thought I would share what I is on my nightstand and Kindle:

Your Holistically Hot Transformation– Written by fellow IIN alum, Marissa Vicario, this book is s fun read if you are looking to get your eating back on track.  She offers simple but effective tips while telling you her story and what habits she has overcome.  It is designed to be read one chapter at a time, after which you go off and implement the tips suggested by Marissa.  It is a really fun read and great for a little boost.

The Diet Myth– KCL lecturer Dr. Tim Spector gave a lecture about how microbes are more unique than finger prints to each individual’s gut.  These microbes are best suited to process different types of foods and that is one of the reasons why one diet regime doesn’t work on everyone. You can even send his lab a sample of your stool to find out which microbes your gut possesses.

Like The Wind Magazine issue #9-  When it arrived in the post, I was so excited to see I could color in the cover.  How cool is that?  LTW is about art, running, and everything in between.  Published quarterly, articles are submitted by the running community and amazingly illustrated.  You can order back issues or check out these stockists.

Natural Born Heroes-  I was lucky enough to meet Chris McDougall last year at a ‘lecture’ about this book.  I say ‘lecture’ because Chris has unfortunately lost his voice.  Even without a voice, his energy and passion for running and storytelling radiated throughout the crowded running shop.  This book looks into English residents of Crete who would literally run messages from camp to camp during World War II, creating a running style form similar to parkour.

I am eager to finish these as I have some awesome books being sent to me in the post:

I am always looking for new books, both fiction and non-fiction. Please comment below if you think I should read your favorite.

Please note this post contains affiliate links, which add no cost to the purchaser but does help to maintain this site.  Also, I was provided with ‘Your Holistically Hot Transformation’ and LTW but all opinions are honest and my own, as always.