Final countdown to Kili

Final countdown to Kili

In less than a month, I will board a plane to Tanzania.  It is hard to believe that a Sunday night tweet in September would bring me to 5895 meters.  I thought I would send you an update as to what I have been doing to prepare.  I tend to overplan things because like any good Girl Scout, I like to be prepared.  There is still plenty of time for you to borrow kit, book flights, and get your jabs though if you are still thinking about signing up.

Starting to put essentials into my suitcase.

Since I last checked in, I have been sorting out my kit and vaccinations.  I made £400 on eBay, selling stuff we had around the house but didn’t use.  Not only was my husband happy because we were less cluttered but I saw my Kilimanjaro fund increasing. I also started asking my outdoorsy friends info if could borrow things, like hiking poles, gaiters, and rain gear.  These items I knew I would only use once, so it seemed silly to purchase them brand new only to store them under the bed.  For snacks and a waterproof duffle bag for the porters to carry, I hopped on Sport Pursuit to see what great kit they had on offer (you seriously need to join their flash sale website). I ended up with Bounce Balls and protein cookies to satiate my sweet tooth mid-climb.  It is going to be hard enough without Diet Coke- I can’t imagine doing it without chocolate!

Walk-In Clinic reception area

The vaccines turned out to be a bit more complicated.  You can read about my experience at the Walk-In Clinic, where I reviewed in detail with the GP what the risk factors were if I got sick on the side of a mountain in Tanzania, in addition to my upcoming trip to Thailand.  Over two appointments, I ended up with three jabs, one fizzy vaccinated drink, and a prescription for anti-malaria tablets.  These treatments were divided up over two appointments to avoid lots of shots (which could result in sore arms) and one vaccine had to be ordered in.  Unfortunately, I am allergic to the anti-altitude sickness pills so I will not be able to bring them with me.

Plane ticket confirmation

My flights are now booked, which makes it seem like this is really happening.  I found flights for about £600 on Kenyan Airlines using Google Flights.  The outbound overnight flight made it very tricky not to be traveling for 24 hours straight just before some serious physical activity.  Hopefully I can catch up on my sleep the day before we start our ascent.  I could have found a cheaper flight if my work had been more flexible with time off.  But £600 is less than what I pay to go home to USA so not too bad on my travel budget scale.

I am excited about my new boots.  Oldland is not.

Doing research for this trip, I found A Walk in the Park and Kilimanjaro:Tips for the Top books to be insightful.  Both describe other trips that people with little to no experience climbing big mountains have taken.  These contained a lot of the stuff I wanted to know.  How bad are the toilets on the mountain?  Will I be able to get enough sleep?  How cold does it feel at night?  How many spare batteries will I need?  There are many blogs out there too with similar info.  I have also started looking through the Swahili phrasebook my mom got me for Christmas.  I am posting seven mini lessons up on Instagram if you would like to learn a few key phrases.

“Thank you”

We have our Facebook group set up for the women on the trip to get to know one another before we set foot in Moshi.  I am also still working with Ellis Brigham for our discounted shopping night in London for all the women who register for the trip.  This will be the perfect time to talk to experts about our trip and select exactly what you will need, while sipping on some celebratory fizz.

I would really love to have you come along.  The deadline to register for Kilimanjaro is 20 February, so this will be my last email to you about the trip.  If you have any questions or want to discuss logistics, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Please remember to use my name as a referral to receive your free gift worth £30 posted to you or I can bring it to Kili for you.

New studio alert: Body Junkies

New studio alert: Body Junkies

My fitness career started as a Spinning® instructor.  The training made me what I call a purist- I don’t lift weights, clap my hands or do press ups during my classes.  Unfortunately for me, in the last few years the London fitness trend has seen a big demand for the ‘all-body’ indoor cycling classes (if this format gets you to go to class- go for it!).  I struggled to find studios that shared my philosophy on cycling style.  My favorite studio was Cyclebeat near Moorgate but that was recently bought out by Boom Cycle.  When I heard about a free class is Islington, I was intrigued.  What sold me was that my friend, Lucy from Paddle Pedal Pace, said the Keiser instructor was great.  She and I have the same thoughts on how an indoor cycling class should be instructed.

Body Junkies is a new studio that opening up in Islington last year.  It was founded by friends, Jason and Stephen.  They have boxing, Zumba®, yoga, high intensity interval training (HIIT), total conditioning, mommy/baby classes and more. They have their own app for booking too which makes it easy to schedule your workout on the go.  The studio is one open room but very versatile as the boxing equipment hangs from the ceiling on custom tracks.  They means the bags can be moved out of the way when not in use.  There are two showers, a toilet, and cubbies for storing your kit.

The location is less than a five minute walk from Holloway Station on Holloway Road, near the Emirates Stadium and London Metropolitan University.  When I arrived, I was greeted by the owners.  The brand new Keiser bikes were set up in a semi circle around the instructor’s bike.  The visiting instructor was Darren Teagles, who captivated us for 45 minutes using only two positions on the bike.  The music was banging and the light were kept low (which I prefer because then no one can see my red face).  The ambience allowed me to forget about work and simply focus on getting a fantastic workout.

These new bikes allowed us to sync to the TV screens, showing us (and the instructor) our RPMS and power rating.  Each had a digital display that allowed you to see this info on your bike, alongside a gear resistance rating.  Darren also created teams during class, where we had to push ourselves to win.  The computer program splits up the class evenly, so one team doesn’t have an advantage. The energy in the studio was great!  Most of the class were Body Junkies members, with a few journalists and bloggers.  The studio team were very friendly and we got to try their smoothies after class.  I was so impressed that the class was held captive with only two simple moves and a profile that built on the previous section.  Most people have short attention spans and look bored in my class if we are sitting on the bike, even on a seated uphill climb (hopefully it isn’t my teaching style).

We are talking about me teaching a one-off spin class, so if you think you would be interested, please let me know with a comment below.  Regardless, I think you should visit the studio!  Enter my giveaway below to win two Body Junkie sweat towels, a steel water bottle, branded canvas bag, and a free class of your choice.

Win this plus a free class!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to Body Junkies for inviting me along to the complimentary class.  All views and opinions are my own.

New studio alert: Body Junkies

New studio alert: Body Junkies

My fitness career started as a Spinning® instructor.  The training made me what I call a purist- I don’t lift weights, clap my hands or do press ups during my classes.  Unfortunately for me, in the last few years the London fitness trend has seen a big demand for the ‘all-body’ indoor cycling classes (if this format gets you to go to class- go for it!).  I struggled to find studios that shared my philosophy on cycling style.  My favorite studio was Cyclebeat near Moorgate but that was recently bought out by Boom Cycle.  When I heard about a free class is Islington, I was intrigued.  What sold me was that my friend, Lucy from Paddle Pedal Pace, said the Keiser instructor was great.  She and I have the same thoughts on how an indoor cycling class should be instructed.

Body Junkies is a new studio that opening up in Islington last year.  It was founded by friends, Jason and Stephen.  They have boxing, Zumba®, yoga, high intensity interval training (HIIT), total conditioning, mommy/baby classes and more. They have their own app for booking too which makes it easy to schedule your workout on the go.  The studio is one open room but very versatile as the boxing equipment hangs from the ceiling on custom tracks.  They means the bags can be moved out of the way when not in use.  There are two showers, a toilet, and cubbies for storing your kit.

The location is less than a five minute walk from Holloway Station on Holloway Road, near the Emirates Stadium and London Metropolitan University.  When I arrived, I was greeted by the owners.  The brand new Keiser bikes were set up in a semi circle around the instructor’s bike.  The visiting instructor was Darren Teagles, who captivated us for 45 minutes using only two positions on the bike.  The music was banging and the light were kept low (which I prefer because then no one can see my red face).  The ambience allowed me to forget about work and simply focus on getting a fantastic workout.

These new bikes allowed us to sync to the TV screens, showing us (and the instructor) our RPMS and power rating.  Each had a digital display that allowed you to see this info on your bike, alongside a gear resistance rating.  Darren also created teams during class, where we had to push ourselves to win.  The computer program splits up the class evenly, so one team doesn’t have an advantage. The energy in the studio was great!  Most of the class were Body Junkies members, with a few journalists and bloggers.  The studio team were very friendly and we got to try their smoothies after class.  I was so impressed that the class was held captive with only two simple moves and a profile that built on the previous section.  Most people have short attention spans and look bored in my class if we are sitting on the bike, even on a seated uphill climb (hopefully it isn’t my teaching style).

We are talking about me teaching a one-off spin class, so if you think you would be interested, please let me know with a comment below.  Regardless, I think you should visit the studio!  Enter my giveaway below to win two Body Junkie sweat towels, a steel water bottle, branded canvas bag, and a free class of your choice.

Win this plus a free class!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to Body Junkies for inviting me along to the complimentary class.  All views and opinions are my own.